República Checa - Czech Republic.

República Checa - Czech Republic.
República Checa - Praga sob a neve. / Czech Republic - Prague under snow. / République Tchèque - Prague sous la neige.

domingo, 7 de setembro de 2014


Nos dias de hoje, considerar uma viagem por questões profissionais torna-se quase uma condição imperativa para funcionários e empresas. Se viajar de férias já é difícil e muitas vezes complicado decidir o tipo de mala, o que levar, o destino e atividades de lazer que nos agradam,  fazer uma viagem a trabalho e errar na organização da mala são coisas que andam juntas para nós viajantes comuns.  (Imagina como não deve ser para as mulheres...) Ao contrário do que muitos pensam, ser prático nem sempre ajuda e é preciso se atentar a coisas que vão além da praticidade. Ao contrário de nós, que costumamos levar apenas o indispensável, as mulheres costumam por natureza levar bem mais do que o necessário, é coum se deparar com o fato de que os homens acabam sempre esquecendo algo. (Confesso, e verdade!) 
Então o post de hoje é um guia prático para ajudar todos aqueles que precisam encarar uma viajem a trabalho seja mulher ou homem espero ajudá-los a não passar aquele aperto que geralmente surge em viagens à trabalho, quase sempre inesperadas. 
Saber para onde vai é essencial e se atentar às particularidades do local é algo a ser levado em consideração. Assim, já dá para ter uma ideia do clima e de como as pessoas costumam se vestir. Depois é só pensar na quantidade de dias e de compromissos, e começar a separar as peças. Não leve mais que dois ternos. Se a viagem for a negócios, é sempre bom ter um reserva, assim como 1 malha para os dias frios (no inverno adicione pelo menos 1 suéter e 1 camisa de mangas compridas). Para uma viagem de até 4 dias, 5 camisas são suficientes e 2 camisetas para os momentos de folga. Para acompanhá-las, leve ao menos 1 jeans. Se possível, dê preferência a peças com tecidos que não amarrotem como as malhas frias e outras de tecidos sintéticos. Lembrem-se: Sempre priorize a praticidade! Também não esqueça os itens de higiene pessoal: escova de dentes, creme dental, desodorante e perfume, e coloque tudo num nécessaire (ah! Não se esqueça de embalar separadamente os frascos que podem se abrir).
Antes de organizá-la, separe os itens da primeira camada, que são: sapatos, meias, gravatas, nécessaire e tudo que não for roupas. Espaço é um artigo de luxo nos dias de hoje, e levando em consideraçã a oscilação do mercado de passagens aéreas e as taxas de excesso de bagagem, precisamos usar certos truques. Um deles é guardar gravatas e meias dentro do sapato (certifique-se de que os calçados estejam limpos).
 Antes de colocar esses itens, estique as calças no fundo da mala e deixe as pernas para fora. Por cima da calça, acomode a primeira camada, organizando como num quebra cabeça. Na parte de cima, acomode as roupas. Camisetas e bermudas devem ser enroladas e encaixadas nos espaços livres. Dobre as camisas e o terno e coloque por sobre as outras peças. No final, dobre as pernas da calça (que haviam ficado de fora) por cima de tudo. Esses truques facilitarão sua vida na chegada ao destino no momento de desfazer a mala e poupará tempo, uma vez que muitas peças não precisarão ser passadas para serem usadas. 
Para roupas amassadas: Pendure tudo nos cabides assim que chegar no hotel. O vapor do chuveiro tira os vincos das peças.
A outra opção é umedecer de leve as roupas e usar o secador quente (se houver).
Uma dica que sempre funciona comigo é  viajar com a maior quantidade possível de peças no corpo para economizar espaço. Sapatos mais pesados, cinto e casacos.
Uma última dica: Leve um saquinho para guardar as roupas sujas; nunca é bacana misturar as roupas usadas com aquelas que continuaram limpinhas durante toda a viagem.
A quantidade e o tipo de roupa informal que deve ser levada sempre dependerá da quantidade de dias que fiacará no destino e das horas vagas que sua agenda lhe permitirá. Sendo assim, procure se informar do programa detalhado da viagem o mais breve possível.
Se houver aquelas horas livres e voce tiver planos de se dedicar às compras, uma dica é ter sempre uma sacola de viagem extra dobrada no fundo da mala (tipo aquelas que são fáceis de transportar, não ocupam muito espaço dobradas na mala e cabem dentro dos compartimentos de bagagem no teto das aeronaves, isso lhes garantirá um volume a mais, em compensação te livra das taxas de excesso de bagagem).
Aproveitem as dicas e Boa Viagem!!

quinta-feira, 24 de julho de 2014


If you are visiting Recife – Pernambuco´s  Capital – you will find a list of places tourists would love to visit. Here are some exclusive photos and tips. Walking around old Recife is an opportunity to know the city and take fantastic pictures of the places where part of the Brazilian history was made.
Recife is located where the Beberibe River meets the Capibaribe River to flow into the Atlantic Ocean. It is a major port on the Atlantic Ocean. Its name is an allusion to the stone reefs that are present by the city's shores. The many rivers, small islands and over 50 bridges found in Recife city center characterize its geography and gives it the moniker of the "Brazilian Venice." As of 2010, it is the capital city with the highest HDI in Northeast Brazil.
The city is also an educational center, and home to the Federal University of Pernambuco, the largest university in Pernambuco. Several Brazilian historical figures, such as the poet and abolitionist Castro Alves, moved to Recife to attain their education. Recife and Natal are the only Brazilian cities with direct flights to the islands of Fernando de Noronha, World Heritage Site.
Due to the city's proximity to the equator line, Recife weather is generally warm. Recife has a number of islands, rivers, waterways and bridges that crisscross the city. Recife is located amidst tropical forests which are distinguished by high rainfall levels resulting in poor soil quality as the rainfall washes away the nutrients. There is an absence of extreme temperatures and a cool breeze due to the trade winds from the Atlantic Ocean.
Recife is one of Brazil's prime business centers, largely because it has one International Airport and two International ports. One is located in the town itself, and the other, the port of Suape, is located about 40 kilometres (25 mi) away. Just south of Recife is the region's main industrial area, where the following industries can be found: brewing and canning, shipbuilding, automotive, electronics, tube manufacturing, chocolate manufacturing, textiles, etc.
 Recife has shared in the prosperity of Northeastern Brazil that resulted from development promoted after 1960 by Sudene (Superintendência para o Desenvolvimento do Nordeste), a federal organization. Although its retail and wholesale trade have grown in response to the region's increases in population and wealth, the market area and the walkways of the city's bridges are crowded with vendors selling small items.
Recife has an area dedicated to information technology called "Porto Digital" (Digital Port) with more than 90 companies and 3,000 High Tech Jobs. It was founded in July 2000 and has since attracted major investments. Generating some R$10 billion (Brazilian Reais) a year, it produces technology that is exported to Japan, China, among other countries. Software manufacturing is the main activity in the Porto Digital. The Porto Digital cluster comprises small and medium companies, but multinationals like Accenture, Motorola, Samsung, Dell and Sun Microsystems are also installed in Porto Digital. IBM and Microsoft transferred their regional headquarters to Recife. 
Porto Digital's startups can count on a ready pool of talent, courtesy of the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE), which boasts one of the best computer-science departments in all of Latin America. The school began teaching programmers to use Sun Microsystems Inc.'s (SUNW) Java language in 1996, the year it was introduced. Professors at the school also teamed up to launch Centro de Estudos e Sistemas Avançados do Recife (C.E.S.A.R), a business incubator that has played a vital role in the birth of some 30 companies.
The celebrations, holidays and other events are numerous during the whole year. Thus the New Year begins at the beach, Praia de Boa Viagem and in Old Recife. The carnival of Recife and Olinda (which has its historic town center considered world heritage site by UNESCO in 1982) begins many weeks ahead in December with innumerable balls and parades.
In the city, the carnival festivities begin in December, as locals begin preparing for the official Carnival, which starts the week before Ash Wednesday. The pre-Carnival parties usually consist of percussion groups practicing in local clubs, city streets and squares, and even Carnival balls. There is a variety of rhythms from different cultures. Carnival officially starts with the Galo da Madrugada, a party in Downtown Recife attracting many people from several States of Brazil, and other parts of the world.
Recife has many quality 3, 4 and 5-Star International Hotels as well Pousadas (traditional Bed & breakfast) and Apart-Hotels totaling more than 11,500 bedrooms and this number increase to over 30,000 in the metropolitan area of Recife.
Mercado de São José (Market of Saint Joseph) is an old, iron construction with a popular market nearby. In the Fort Cinco Pontes (Fort of Five Points) is the state museum, (Museu do Estado de Pernambuco). At the rectangular Pátio de São Pedro are the Cathedral São Pedro (Cathedral of Saint Peter) dating from the year 1782 and restored colonial houses, with numerous restaurants, bistros and bars. In the Bairro Santo Antônio (Saint Anthony Neighborhood), at the meeting place of the rivers Capibaribe and Beberibe, is the Praça da República (Square of the Republic) with the Teatro Santa Isabel (Theatre of Saint Isabel), with its neoclassic front - well worth seeing, the Law Courts, and the Palácio da Justiça (Palace of the Justice). Casa da Cultura (House of Culture) is an old prison that has been converted into a cultural space and shopping centre.
Built between 1835 and 1855, the Malakoff Tower, a monument constructed in Tunisian style, which used to be an observatory and now is a cultural centre and a place for popular gatherings. It is located at Arsenal da Marinha Square. It has been registered as a Historical Patrimony and was named after a similar monument on Crimean peninsula, used as a defence center for Sebastopol.
 Recife has a zoo called Dois Irmãos Park, 387 hectares of Atlantic Forest reserve and 14 hectares of botanical gardens. There are also 800 wild animals, the Natural Science Museum and various ecological trails. The metropolitan area has also a giant water park 20 km (12 mi) North of Recife, called Veneza Water Park which has nearly one million sq/ft of area, ten millions litres of water and lots of water slides for the youngsters.
Among Recife's main tourist attractions are:
Churches, historical monuments, public markets including 17th and 18th century constructions from Portugues and Dutch colonisers;
Francisco Brennand´s Atelier of ceramic art;

Ricardo Brennand Istitute:  cultural institute with museum, pinacotec and library;
Recife Antigo (Old Recife) buildings;

Boa Viagens Beach (the inside city's most important beach) and many beautiful beaches in the metropolitan and state area;

Casa da Cultura: souvenir shops in an Historic prison building; The Carnival at locations such as downtown and Recife Antigo;

Olinda´s  historic town centre, considered a world heritage site by UNESCO
News and Historic Cinemas, Theatres and Art galleries.
Shopping Center Recife, was inaugurated in 1980 and it was surpassed by Riomar Mall, wich gross leasable area is 101.000, against 91.200 of Shopping Recife Mall.
Other shopping centres include:

Shopping Center Tacaruna. The first centre for purchases in the North/West zone of the Recife Metropolitan Region was inaugurated on April 29, 1997, with the intention of improving the economy of  the cities: Recife, Olinda and Paulista.

Shopping Paço da Alfândega.
Plaza Shopping Casa Forte was inaugurated in November 1998.

Shopping RioMar was inaugurated in 2012.
Here are some pictures WALKING AROUND RECIFE:
Central Train Station and Train Museum.
Information about Casa da Cultura Artcrafts Market.
Casa da Cultura main entrance.
Cinco Pontas Museum
Mercado São José  -
Recife´s Public Market main entrance.
Mercado São José stores.
Typical Store at  Mercado São José
Aurora Street River View.
Santa Isabel Theater.
Bronze sculpture in front of Santa Isabel Theater.
Government Palace.
Republic Square.
Recife Law School Building
 Iron Sculpture at Isabel Princess Bridge.
Bronze Sculpture at Isabel Princess Bridge.
Paço Alfândega Shopping Center.
Marco Zero - Zero Mark Square
 Zero Mark Square Monument.
 Recife Boat Ride.
Recife Lighthouse.
Artistic Expression, small sculptures made of wood.
They represent countryside city Bezerros Carnival.
Picture behind Malakoff Tower.
Malakoff Tower - Main Entrance.
 Bom Jesus Street -  Old Recife
Old Houses in the Old Recife.

Paço Alfândega Shopping.